Saturday, February 27, 2010

Joseph Otsin, our host evangelist, believes that many of the villagers have seen the "Jesus Film" in the past, and prefers to use "The Passion of the Christ."  He showed most of the movie, up to the crucifixion, and then asked me to come and preach.  I gave a brief, simple message about why Jesus had to suffer so much, and how He was willing to leave Heaven and come die for us out of His great love.  The people were captivated by the video, and were not overwhelmed by the extreme violence of the flogging scene. Ghanaians in general are more comfortable with emotions, and express them more openly, on the sidewalk, in traffic, and in the worship service.  While I would think twice (or more) before evanglizing this way in the US, Joseph knows what is effective with his own people.  God certainly moved through the evening, and 63 villagers made first time commitments to Jesus!  -- Pastor Mike


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  2. Mike is sharing a powerful message and the Ghanains are receiving it with joy! - Karen
