Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A huge crowd for the Camp Meeting and everyone dressed to the nines!  Joseph estimated 800 to 900 adults, and there must have been almost that many children and youth.  It was a festive day when all the societies (28 congregations) on a particular circuit gathered for three days of revival.  In the hot sun, the Ghanaian Pastors still wore full robes.  I would have melted!  -- Pastor Mike

While most of the team was in Nyniwusu or Kyrease for the first Sunday services, Pastor Mike was invited to preach at the "Camp Meeting."  Since my regular interepreter, Isaac, was in one of the villages, Pastor Charles did the interpretation here.  The Ghanaians received the message with gladness.  Preaching here is a great joy!  -- Pastor Mike

In each newly planted church, we give the Caretaker (local pastor) a Bible; and a bicycle to tend to his work.  - Glenn

At Kyrease, the service was similar to that in Nyniwusu.  The new caretaker was there to take over the church, and senior leadership from the circuit were there to be sure that the new church got off to a good start. In this picture I am adding my two cents. I shared a message about the process of sanctification in what I hope was simple and understandable language, because the group included many new believers.  Joseph was translating. We counted 88 adults this first Sunday after the Crusades, with probably twice that number of children.  --Sue

The first Sunday School at Nyniwusu - under a mango tree...

The Nyniwusu Methodist church in full swing.